Prayer. 123 days of creating a daily prayer time. Exploring different types of prayer. Learning to create a prayer closet. Understanding that prayer is the intimate relationship between God and yourself. Knowing what it means to truly be what the modern-ancients call a prayer warrior. This is my final blog and post on this subject of prayer. I don't pretend to understand all that there is to prayer during this journey, but I do understand more. I understand enough that my breath in and out will be filled with the sweet aroma of prayer. Dialogue with my Father. Day and night.
If you have been on this journey with me - thank you for bearing with my less than articulate words when expressing prayer. I have not yet uncovered any human words that adequately express the intimacy of dialog with the Holy Spirit. Perhaps the closest expression is in the clap of thunder, the whisper of the wind, the clouds as they move across the sky - all God is nature and all nature is God.
It is fitting that He chose this last scripture for me from John 14:27.
My 123 day journey has brought me to the place of perfect peace. Perfect rest. I am a child of God and He has given me the peace that He will never leave me nor forsake me. The peace that I am His and one day I will join the others who have gone before me. The bruised, the battered, the used, the worn, the bloody and the pierced. Wasted bodies, but not wasted lives. Used up bodies giving back to the One who gave. With joy, with love, for all You've done.
Thank you for following me on this journey of prayer. Shalom.
Thank you for the lessons I have learned. Thank you for Your breath in my ear. Thank you for the mirror which once reflected my own sin and now reflects You. Thank you for my life. I ask for nothing, knowing that You are guiding my path. Your Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path. The first song I ever sang in church for You. It was not good, but the saints weren't looking for performance - they were looking for faith. That has not changed today. Thank you for this lesson to take into my future.
Love, your daughter,
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